Horseshoe Irrigation Company Board of Directors holds its regular monthly meeting for the conducting of regular company business on the 3rd Friday of each month at the Spring City Municipal Building. If anyone wishes to have time on the agenda they should contact the President by the Monday before the meeting to be placed on the agenda.
There may also be special meetings called by company officials from time to time as needed to conduct other company business.
The previous 12 months meeting minutes will be posted here for review. If there should be any need to review any other company meeting minutes special arrangement must be made with the company President.
Annual shareholder meeting 2023
Minutes from 10-20-2023
Minutes from 11-29-2023
Minutes from 1-19-2024
Minutes from 2-22-2024
Minutes from 3-15-2024
Minutes from 5-17-2024
Minutes from 7-19-2024
Minutes from 9-19-2024
Minutes from 10-17-2024